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Thailand Unique Experiences

Songkran in Thailand

Bucketlist alert! Words come short when it comes down to Songkran. One of the coolest, funniest and joyful national festivals we have attended yet! During Songkran Thai celebrate their New Year and give each other blessings with huge splashes of water. Young & old, men & women, locals & tourists; they all become one big family hunting each other down with water guns and buckets filled with ice water accompanied with music, dancing people and dressed up hero characters (we…

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Finding Nemo On The Southern Islands Of Thailand

That was the original plan. I was just lucky enough to get sick by having severe sinusitis accompanied by an ear infection which lasted for more than 3 weeks. Diving was off the table, nevertheless my sickness couldn’t stop us from enjoying our time on the islands. We decided to explore different islands in South-Thailand. Koh Tao Famous for its beautiful crystal clear water and perfect snorkling- and diving conditions for beginners. Ko Tao attracts Ibiza-ish good looking tourists, since…

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Ladyboys & Ping Pong Shows In Bangkok

I would rather like Farhang to write this blog since he was the one staring at all those ladyboys thinking they were beautiful girls haha*. I had too much fun every time he was praising their beauty. And it’s no joke, they actually are super pretty and oh so feminine. The face, make-up, hair and clothing, everything is matched perfectly. Of course this comes with a price and many of them spend lots of money on cosmetic surgery to look…

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