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Life in Australia

Life in Australia

Settling Down In Australia – Part II

I bet all of you were waiting for this post (^^)  As most of you are wondering, how the hell did we pay a trip to one of the most expensive countries in the world and settle down here while we just travelled around for almost a year. We can’t keep it a secret anymore, but we actually are Millionaires…  Sike! We wish this was true. It all just came down to having a strategical plan for saving up and…

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Life in Australia

Settling Down In Australia – Part I

Time flies by so fast; it’s already 3 months ago that we arrived at Melbourne Airport with our backpacks fully stacked and all ready for the next chapter of our adventure. The only thing we had prepared was an AirBnB booking for 7 nights. With our site being “in maintenance”, we couldn’t share the rollercoaster ride we went through till now, so let’s fast forward and get you all updated. It’s safe to say that we didn’t really have a soft landing. Traveling…

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