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Food for Thoughts Happy life

a Borderless Life

“What are you running away from?” Is a question I hear quite often. After having spent many years abroad, I am again packing my bags, selling my belongings and stepping aboard a plane towards a new destination. It’s time for me to explain what I am running towards. Four years ago I started on a endeavour together with my wife. We’d just graduated, got married and decided to go travelling for our honeymoon. The only thing is, we didn’t come…

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Food for Thoughts

Why I Stopped Becoming a Doctor

Awesome Worldtrip is about more than only our travel experiences, it’s about a lifestyle we pursue. From leaving everything behind and start travelling the world to settling down on the other side of the planet. It’s about the choices we make to live our lives differently and stay close to our true selves. The picture above is taken five years ago. I was standing in the bathroom of a large hospital where I was doing my medical internship. I was…

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