Food for Thoughts

Future Plans

So what are our future plans actually? Many people ask us why we want to travel the world soon after we get married and what we are planning to do after the world tour? Well, it’s very simpel actually. Very soon we have all the freedom to start our life anywhere in the world. We are not going to settle here right away, that’s why we haven’t bothered ourselves to find a house or make one ready for after the wedding. I mean why not exploring the world, live and work anywhere you want, seek adventure and have actual fun before becoming grown-ups and getting busy finding a decent job, a nice house and car, have children and live a standard life. Okay this may be important for some people since everyone has other goals and wishes in life; it’s a very personal choice and I do understand and respect that. At some age, far in the future,  I would also want to have those things, but definitely not before my 30’s. We are young right now and have all the freedom, so why not fulfill our dreams?
And after the worldtrip adventure? Not sure about that yet. One thing I do know right now is that I want to know how it is to live abroad, outside the Netherlands. I don’t know what it is, the mentality of Dutch people, the way of living here, the depressing climate or lack of activities. People don’t actually enjoy; it’s all about building a future, study for having a job from 9 to 5 pm afterwards, save money, settling down and live a non-risky life.
What I’m trying to say is that people here do not live in the moment, they do not seize the day. People are also extremely individualized, they do not engage very easily with one and other. Just compare a full train cabin here with one in Malaysia or India. The people in south-east Asia for example can start a conversation very quickly, they want to know everything about you as a foreigner and are highly interested about your background. What you get to see here is people being obsessed with their mobiles, laptops, etc, almost like zombies living in their own dark shadows. At least this is how I experienced it when I traveled in south-east Asia and when I compare it to living here in the western society, it really felt this way. But of course  this doesn’t have to be the same for anyone else. Besides, living somewhere and traveling somewhere are two different things, I do acknowledge that. That’s why I want to see how it is to actually live somewhere outside the Netherlands and have a job in order to find out whether my assumptions are true.
The sad thing is that living in Netherlands made me become an individualistic zombie as well. But somehow I gradually realized that I don’t want to be like that anymore. I’m not doing justice do the actual me who just wants to enjoy life to the fullest.
The only hard thing is having to leave my family and friends for such a long period. Guess if I want to do things in a different way, there are sacrifices I have to make.

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